Working at Heights

Our safety consultants are here to provide thorough working at heights risk assessments and recommendations.

Understanding the Risks of Working at Heights

Working at heights is legally defined as a “high risk” work and is governed by regulations and codes which stipulate how the work must be undertaken. The term working at heights means any task that is performed at elevation, or in an elevated area. This exposes workers to the risk of falling, or similar and related hazards. Examples of working at heights include:

  • Roof maintenance
  • Window cleaning
  • Certain construction tasks
  • Telecommunications work
  • Scaffolding
  • Painting
  • And many more similar tasks.

Working at heights comes with a diverse range of scenarios that could lead to injury for workers. Therefore, stringent measures and processes must be created to manage and eliminate risk where possible. What’s more, expert advice from experienced safety consultants will also ensure that your business remains compliant.

The risks and hazards of working at heights

There are several hazards present when working at heights. These various hazards can lead to injury if they are not identified and addressed in a timely manner. They include:

  • Unstable surfaces
  • Objects falling from heights
  • Wet surfaces at height
  • A lack of protective equipment
  • Poor weather conditions
  • Poor quality equipment
  • Weight overloading
  • Poor traffic management systems
  • Many more.

Identifying these hazards early on is essential. When issues are identified, action can be taken to eliminate or manage them, and reduce risk for your workers and anyone in the vicinity of the operation in question.

Risks and hazards of working at heights

Safety Assessments for Working at Heights

At Your Safety Partners, our expert safety consultants have a wealth of experience in assessing working at heights processes and conditions and providing actionable reports. Analysing your processes is essential, and we’re here to help identify working at height hazards for your business.

There are numerous benefits to having a working at heights assessment done . These include:

  • A safer workplace for employees, customers, clients, and visitors
  • Ensure compliance and eliminate liability for owners and managers
  • Create a more efficient and profitable workplace
  • Receive expert advice that covers all aspects of your working at heights process, improving the quality of work within your facility.

Ensure safety when working at heights

Our Working at Heights Risk Assessment Process

We follow a detailed process to assess your working at heights process, equipment, and environment in the most effective way possible. Our safety consultants have conducted assessments for businesses all over Australia, providing actionable advice and recommendations to promote a safer working environment and ensure compliance with safety laws and regulations.

Our process is adaptable to different environments and industries, but looks a little like this:

  • A safety expert arrives at your facility to assess your working at heights practices, equipment, processes, and documentation.
  • We take the time to ask questions (and answer your questions), to ensure we find out as much as possible. The more information we have, the better the recommendations we can provide.
  • We provide a detailed report and process documentation to create a safer, more efficient environment for you and your people.

Speak to a Safety Expert Today

If you’d like to speak to our safety experts about working at heights, hazards, and your obligations, we’re always here to help. Simply get in touch with our team today.

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    A workplace safety consultant can also ensure the owners and managers of businesses meet their safety compliance requirements. This helps protect them from compensation or legal costs.